Yes, we know it’s not yet Halloween, the day after which we’ll see a sudden sprouting of Christmas decorations, aisles in big box stores devoted to the upcoming commercial opportunity, and that annoying music, which, in my opinion, shouldn’t happen until after Thanksgiving, but that might be my upbringing speaking here. Regardless, it’s time for you guys to get your holiday plans laid out, well, in order to take full advantage of the next couple of months.
What should you be doing?
You should be promoting your businesses like there’s no tomorrow. I’ll repeat myself here – promote yourself. On your website, on your blog, via social media, and in emails. Now is the time to get the communication machine oiled and busy.
If you haven’t already created a few super special packages for the holidays, you should do so. Now. Give people three options – a high end, a mid-level indulgence, and a more moderately priced offering. You’ll sell the most of the mid-level offering, some of the moderately priced option, and a few of the premium options. That’s just how it works. You know this.
Plan an Open House. People love to come see what you’re about, the smell of cinnamon and apple potpourri wafting through the air, the prospect of ‘invitee only’ specials to be had, the opportunity to see your place nicely decorated. Appetizers and beverages help. Partnering up with a nearby restaurant of choice will create a cross-promotion opportunity that you can enjoy as the restaurant promotes your spa, salon, or practice during the holidays as well. Next time they have a special event, provide a free hair consult, executive mani or shoulder massage and see how many new clients you get!
Blog Articles
Now is the time to write about what you know – how to make people look and feel terrific! An article about great holiday hair, massages for managing the chaos of the holidays, the newest colors for manis and pedis, you name it, they love to hear what’s hip, new and trendy. A casual mention at the bottom of a post that you happen to have some wonderful holiday specials cooked up for gift giving ease and convenience will go a long way to converting your readers to gift givers. The statistics definitely support adding that link to your gift choices this time of year!
Communicate, communicate communicate
Let your clientele know your services offer up not only a great gift giving choice, but that you’re happy to make them look and feel great during this insane and pressure filled time of year. Who doesn’t need a spruce up or massage or highlight this time of year? We can all use some TLC, and if we’re crossing names off of our gift list as we fit some pampering in, all the better.
Target your email list with special messages about what you’re up to, and distribute your message on social media as well. Oh, and images help. We are all intensely visual, and appreciate a well-chosen graphic to accompany a message.
Spruce up your space
Spring isn’t the only time to make your business sparkle. The holidays mean you can add some pretty clear twinkly lights around the edges, make sure your retail is alluring and ‘gift ready’, and that the smell of the holidays (the good smell- cinnamon or lovely lavender or spicy blends of essential fragrances that enrich the environment and soothe the senses) is all around as your clients meander.
So, ready to line up those holiday ducks? Great! Go get ’em!