How to Set Up a BOGO Event
Our BOGO discount promo allows you to get creative with your discounts and encourage your customers to make larger purchases.
These simple steps will show you everything you need to know to set up a featured service promo:
- Log into your spaboom account
- Go to the Marketing tab
- Select Add Event
- Fill in an eye catching Headline
- Add a Narrative describing your promo, but don't worry about pricing details yet. We will add them in step 10
- Set the Start Date and End Date Your discount will be available for purchase on the start date and will no longer be available after the end date. If you’re having a weekend sale, for example, you could set the start date for the upcoming Friday and the end date for that Sunday.
- For the special type, select “Buy One, Get One” from the drop-down menu.
- In the Offer field, select "Create New Offer" or use an offer previously set up.
- If you have connected a Facebook or Twitter account to spaboom, you will have the option to send to social media. Fill that out as desired
- Click Save
Add Events Offer
If you opted to create a new offer, you will now be taken to the "Add Events Offer" page. An offer is a bonus gift certificate that is sent to the purchaser when the threshold is met. Follow these instructions to complete this step:
- Name your offer so its value is clear. e.g. "Bonus $25"
- Set the expiration. This defines when the promotional value expires. A typical expiration is 90 days from purchase date.
- Pick a design that you like for the offer.
- The For field appears on the gift certificate and informs its recipient of its value. e.g. "$25"
- Write a Message that expresses a simple sentiment. e.g. "Thank you for your purchase" or "Happy Holidays"
- Include any GC Terms you feel are appropriate. e.g. "Not valide with any other offer"
- Click Save