If you are serious about building a good email list full of good prospects, then you want a double opt-in email list. But what is a double opt-in list and why is it so important?
A double opt-in email list is one in which your email subscribers are asked to confirm twice that they want to receive email communications from you. The first confirmation is when they submit their request to subscribe to your list, either by filling out a card at your front desk or signing up on your website. The second confirmation is via clicking on a link in an email they receive, confirming their sign-up. Double Opt-In is the gold standard of good clean email marketing lists. All SpaBoom accounts and websites come with email marketing featuring double opt-in, to ensure you build and maintain the most effective email list possible.
By asking your clients to double opt-in, you ensure that the person who signed up for your email marketing actually wants to subscribe. Otherwise, anyone could enter anyone else’s email address. By making them confirm again via an email link, you are ensuring that the quality of your email list is high, and that those receiving your emails actually want to receive your communications and will read them. A subscriber who is engaged from the beginning is one who will remain engaged and continue to read your email marketing communications.
But double opt-in has a few other benefits as well. It ensures that the emails on your list are valid emails and are current. If someone uses an email that is not valid, it will never be confirmed and will never receive any of your marketing. This helps make sure that your email list is only contains valid email addresses of those who want to receive your communications. Double opt-in also reduces spam complaints, and too many of those could lead to a ban of your domain name on more popular ISPs.
Your SpaBoom account makes it so easy to maintain your email list, by handling the second opt-in for you automatically. Once your subscriber has signed up for email, either by using the signup field on your website, or by being manually entered into the system by you, the second confirmation email is automatically generated and sent to them.
What happens if they don’t confirm?
Until they click that link and complete the second opt-in, they remain off your email list and will not receive email communications from you. If you look at their client record, you will see a red note that says, “Waiting for reply from confirmation email.” There is also a link that allows you to resend the confirmation email, in case they missed it the first time around.
Is there any incentive I can offer to get them to complete the confirmation?
Yes! You can create a sign-up promo offer in SpaBoom that automatically sends them a gift certificate for a free gift or percentage off a service once they click the confirmation link in their email. But it is also a good idea to let your clients know that they need to keep an eye out for that confirmation email, and encourage them to click that link to complete their signup and receive their free gift.
A double opt-in system helps to ensure that you build and maintain the cleanest and most effective email list for your business. While it is one extra step for your clients, it will pay off with happier clients who look forward to receiving your email communications and never feel like you are contacting them without their permission.
Need help with your sign-up promo or have additional questions about double opt-in email? Give our team a call. We’re happy to help out and answer any questions you have.